Members in the Parisian area, by profession
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SPRINT School Members
Other Categories of Members
Concerning member status :
“Members” or “Full Members” are fully qualified professionals who are active in the association, with voting rights and And engage with committees and/or other tasks that help SPRINT to be a positive and supportive professional community network.
“Associate Members” are members who have a less active position in the association. They do not have voting rights and do not participate in committees. They can be of three categories :
Corresponding Members : former full members who have since moved away from France but still participate in the association’s meetings.
Student members : members who are currently earning their degree in their field of knowledge.
AVS : members who work as AVS, or Learning Support Assistants in the Parisian area.
"Honorary members" are retired but have played an important role in the development and running of the associative life of SPRINT France. They do not have voting rights but can participate in meetings.