SPRINT Mini-Grant
Application Guide
2024-2025 gRANTS : Dependending on Available funds
What is it?
Mini-Grant Purpose : To improve the quality of lives of children with special needs by providing funding for evaluation, therapy, caregiver training, and/or therapeutic resources.
The quantity and frequency of each Mini-Grant is determined by Sprint’s previous year’s budget. Only EKIPP members or clients known to SPRINT members are eligible for awards. Typical awards range from 300€-500€ and can occur up to twice a year. Mini-grants can be used for a variety of needs. Mini-grants are awarded for projects that are consistent with Sprint’s mission, and are funded through Sprint France funds.
Mini-Grants are awarded in these broad areas of interest:
● Clinical Assessment
● Access to specific empirically supported therapies
● Specific therapeutic resources or materials
● Parent or caregiver training
● Training and/or hiring of a learning support assistant
● Academic or curriculum resources
● Alternative and augmentative communication
● Respite Care
Application Process
Any EKIPP member or client known to a SPRINT member is eligible to apply.
Applicants who do not receive a grant can continue to apply multiple times throughout the year, or select to have their application remain on file for consideration during the year.
Once an applicant is awarded a grant, the recipient can no longer be considered for future awards during the current year.
Limit of two awards maximum per award recipient within 5 years.
Applicants can choose to have an EKIPP or Sprint member nomination.
Requests must be consistent with Sprint’s mission and must be within the stated areas of interest.
Grants will be considered only for projects/uses which are approved but are not previously funded or not sufficiently funded through French securité sociale or insurance.
Projects funded should be consistent with an approach that offers the child the best chance at success. Parents are encouraged to formally assess the needs of their child and seek out therapies that are based on scientific research.
Applicants must use the Sprint Mini-Grant Google form.
Application deadlines: Applications are due by midnight of the date determined. Within a maximum of 30 days, all applicants will be notified about the status of their request and allocation can be made via check or wire transfer.
In certain cases, more information may be sought to help the selection committee to evaluate the needs of a candidate. This may be a search for further documentation or may be an interview via zoom with the applicant.
The Mini-Grant Committee reviews applications and makes recommendations based on the mini-grant guidelines.
Unfunded applications can be resubmitted for consideration at a future date.
Questions should be directed to the Sprint Mini-Grant Coordinator.
Conditions for Grant Applicants
Grant recipients must use Mini-Grant funds only for the purpose requested and must implement projects in a timely manner.
Within one month after funds are received, grantees are to provide a typewritten memo report describing the activities carried on under the grant, evaluating what was achieved, and showing how and for what funds were used.
2024-2025: Dependending on Available funds
For more information, please contact our secretary, Michelle Bennani-Smires,
at secretary.sprintfrance@gmail.com