S.P.R.I.N.T. is based in Paris, France.
You may contact us in French or English.
If you wish to get advice concerning your special needs child, to find the appropriate educational, medical, and therapeutic services, referrals, or for questions about the French health and/or school system, please contact our members directly by searching under the appropriate section in our member's list.
We are all happy to help, and reply promptly.
For any other information about SPRINT, to send an application for membership or for various association proposals, please contact our secretary via the contact box underneath.
Curious for more ?
Come join us on our Facebook page for update notifications,
and come watch our Zoom conferences on our Youtube channel !
Membership application
Want to become a professional member or a School member of SPRINT?
Contact our secretary at: to start your membership application.
Current members of SPRINT?
No stress.
You will receive a link to a Google Form via our mailing list
to renew your membership profile each year.