Glossary of Job Descriptions in the medical field

French and English equivalents and translations for easier comprehension

On this page, the professions are listed alphabetically in English. For alphabetical order in French, please consult the French version of this glossary.

Below the glossary, there are a few definitions to clarify the differences between the English and French versions of certain occupations whose counterparts may have notable differences.

At the bottom of the page there is a little extra explanation: the difference between physiotherapy, occupational therapy and French psychomotor therapy.

  1. Glossary

A & E doctor, ED doctor, ER doctor = Urgentiste

Anaesthesist = Anesthésiste

Auxiliary nurse or nurse’s aid = Aide-soignant(e) (AS)

Cancerologist, cancer specialist = Cancérologue, oncologue

Childcare Assisitant = Auxiliaire de Puéricuture

Chiropodist, podiatrist = Pedicure-podologue

Chiropractor = Chiropracticien(ne)

Doctor = Docteur, Médecin

Ear, nose and throat specialist, ENT specialist = Oto-rhino-laryngologiste (ORL)

Early Childhood Educator, Infant Educator = Educateur de Jeunes Enfants (EJE), Éducateur Petite Enfance

General Practionner (GP), family doctor, Primary Care Practitioner (PCP) = Médecin généraliste

Hearing Care Professional = Audioprothésiste

Heart Specialist = Cardiologue

Junior doctor or intern = Interne

Learning Support Assistants = Auxilliare de Vie Scolaire (AVS), or Accompagnants des élèves en situation de handicap (AESH)

Learning specialist = Éducateur spécialisé

Lung specialist, Chest physician = Pneumologue

Medical officer, company doctor = Médecin du travail

Medical/psychological Assistants = Aide-médico Psychologique

Mid-wife = Sage-femme

Nurse = Infirmier(e)

Occupational therapist = Ergotherapeute

Paramedic = Ambulancier, Auxiliaire médical(e)

Paediatrician, pediatrician = Pédiatre

Pharmacist or chemist = Pharmacien(ne)

Physiotherapist, Physical therapist = Kinésithérapeute, Masseur-Kinésithérapeute

Psychologist = Psychologue

Psychomotor therapist = Psychomotricienne

Psychotherapist = Psychothérapeute

Social worker = Assistant social

Speech and Language therapist / pathologist = Orthophoniste

Stretcher-bearer = Brancardier

Surgeon = Chirurgien(ne)

X-ray Technician, radiographer = Manipulateur en électroradiologie médicale

2. Some french Job definitions to which the English counterparts have notable differences

Masseur-kinésithérapeute : The French masseur-kinésithérapeute performs, manually or instrumentally, massage and medical gymnastics, with the aim of preventing the impairment of functional capacities, of contributing to their maintenance and, when they are impaired, to reinstate or replace them. When acting for therapeutic purposes, the masseur-kinésithérapeute works with a medical prescription from the doctor. Working in close collaboration with the medical team and the nursing team, the kinesitherapeute draws up an assessment which includes the rehabilitation objectives, as well as the choice of the acts which seem most appropriate to him. Indeed, he uses many techniques: massages, gymnastic movements using apparatus, weights, water, heat, cold or ultrasound.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the USA, physical therapists have a “doctor” status and have the right to diagnose their patients, unlike in France where “kinesithérapeutes” are classed as a medical auxiliary and do not diagnose but simply evaluate for the doctor to diagnose from the information provided. To consult a "kinesithérapeute”, you must first see your family doctor who will write a prescription and refer you on.

Ostéopathe : not to be confused with the physiotherapist. In France, “ostéopathie” is considered an alternative medicine. It does not have a precise legislative framework and is not recognized by the Order of Physicians. By acting on the whole body with gentle manual techniques or manipulations and restoring mobility, the “ostéopathe” will use on the self-healing mechanisms available to it and activate the self-defense and self-repair systems. The “ostéopathe” session will thus relieve symptoms without diagnosis. “Ostéopathie” is not reimbursed by the “sécurité socialé” and is done without medical prescription. An “ostéopathe” alone has had 5 years of training, but a “kinesithérapeute” can follow a short complementary cursus to add “ostéopathe” to his title.

Differences with the English counterpart : Unlike France, American osteopaths are doctors and hold a doctorate in osteopathic medicine. The basis of their training course is the same as that of a medical doctor, but they receive additional courses in the musculoskeletal system and manipulative techniques. In the UK, the profession is recognized and has a legislative framework, but is not always recommended by the NHS.

Ergothérapeute : The French “ergothérapeute” takes charge of the patient when a health problem limits their possibilities to perform personal care, to move around and to communicate. Thus, the occupational therapist prevents and reduces handicap situations by maintaining daily activities in a safe manner, taking into account the patient's lifestyle and environment. To facilitate these daily activities, the occupational therapist studies, designs and arranges their environment to make it accessible and safe. He recommends and uses standard equipment, technical or animal aids, and technological assistance. The “ergothérapeutes” intervene at any age in life and practice in various fields of activity, such as functional rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation or home support. Their work needs to be prescribed by a doctor and is reinbursed by the “sécurité sociale” when these sessions take place in a hospital, in a medico-social establishment or in a CAMSP.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the USA and UK, the occupational therapist has a wider range of roles. This is because in France, occupational therapy is divided into two distinct subprofessions : “ergothérapie” and “psychomotricité”. While the “ergothérapeute” concentrates on gaining autonomy, on stumulating daily activities and adapating the environment, the “psychomotricien” looks after the rehabilitation of psychomotor development disorders, using bodily mobilizations and mediations that will allow the patient to inhabit his body.

Psychomotricien : With a medical prescription, the French “psychomotricien” helps people suffering from various psychomotor disorders - that is to say confronted with psychological difficulties expressed by the body - by acting on their psychomotor functions. As part of individual or collective rehabilitation sessions, this specialist assesses the psychomotor capacities of his patient and searches for the origin of his problems. The rehabilitation of psychomotor developmental disorders or psychomotor disorders are treated by means of dynamic relaxation techniques, gestural education, bodily or plastic expression and by rhythmic activities, play, balancing and coordination. Their evaluations and therapy need to be prescribed by a doctor.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the USA and UK, there is no exact counterpart profession that exists. It translates as “psychomotor therapist” but could also be linked to occupational therapy. In anglophone countries, occupational therapy has a wider range of roles which are divided in between “ergothérapie” and “psychomotricité” in France. However, the occupational therapist does not practice psychomotor education and stimulation to the same degree of prescision as the French psychomotor therapist.

Orthophoniste : The French “orthophoniste” is the re-educator of speech and language disorders. He specializes in the assessment and treatment of communication disorders related to voice, speech, oral and written language, as well as swallowing and oral-facial motor disorders. He works in collaboration with doctors, psychologists or psychomotor therapists who refer patients to him. He practices most often with children for learning delays, pronunciation errors or stuttering. The speech therapist also works with adults, most often to treat problems related to a disability or trauma.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the USA and UK speech and language therapists also play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders which is not the case in France. The French “orthophoniste” is not allowed to diagnose but performs evaluations and proposed rééducations that the family doctor can confirm and prescribe.

Assistant social : The French “assistant social” helps individuals, families or groups in difficulty in order to promote their well-being, their social integration and their autonomy. To do this, he listens, supports, accompanies, advises or directs people according to their requests and needs. His work is based on the notion of helping relationship and on a precise method allowing him to collect the data necessary to understand the situation, analyze the request, establish an action plan and evaluate the result of his interventions.

Differences with the English counterpart : Social workers France have a smaller area of expertise than in the USA and only work in the following areas: local communities (departments and municipalities); for the State (ministry responsible for social affairs, national education, justice, etc.); public establishments (hospitals, etc.); social protection organizations (social security funds, family allowances, pensions); health and social sector associations. In the UK the term "social worker" includes social workers and specialized educators, while in France these two professions are very much separated.

Moniteur éducateur : The French “moniteur éducateur” has a role of animation, prevention and education with people in difficulty: children, adolescents, adults or the elderly. He is the right hand of the specialist educator, who has the responsibility of developing projects. With people with disabilities, work can range from maintaining independence to leading daily activities and outings. The ME can also take care of admissions, that is to say, to receive people wishing to place a disabled person in a specialized establishment. A possible evolution of this profession is a “validation of acquired experience” to become a specialized educator.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the UK and the USA, this profession does not exist as such. Depending on the country, we can find the names "residential instructor", "residential childcare worker", "care worker" or "social worker", but these titles often include other functions that the French “moniteur éducateur” does not perform.

Éducateur spécialisé : The French “éducateur spécialisée” contributes to the education of children and adolescents or to the support of adults with disabilities, behavioral disorders or adjustment difficulties. He can also work with people with addiction problems, with women victims of domestic violence, etc. Through the support he provides and the projects he develops, he helps people in difficulty to restore or preserve their autonomy, to develop their capacities for socialization, integration and integration. His intervention is in the field of disability, child protection, social and professional integration as well as the level of specialized prevention. He is also increasingly called upon to intervene within the framework of local development projects.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the USA and UK this work is taken care of by the “social worker” or “welfare worker” depending on the country/state : they wear both the hats of social worker and special educator. In France, this job is well-defined and requires a State diploma.

Aide médico psychologique : The French “aide médico-psychologique” (AMP) accompanies disabled or dependent people on a daily basis: it has a role of awakening, encouraging and supporting communication and verbal or non-verbal expression. Through the concrete help they provide, AMP must establish a quality relationship to respond to the isolation of people and try to understand their needs and desires in order to provide them with an appropriate response.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the U.S.A. the equivalent would be a certified nurse assistant who typically works in a nursing home or hospital and performs tasks of daily living for elderly, chronically ill or rehabilitating patients who cannot take care of themselves. However, while American CNA’s only study one semester, French AMP’s need one to two years and a State Diploma. In the UK, the equivalent would be a healthcare assistants who do not have a diploma but with experience can acquire the Care Certificate which recognizes their work.

Psychothérapeute : The French “psychothérapeute” is a health professional who seeks to alleviate the behavioral disorders of his patients, by treating psychological, social and psychosomatic disorders. There are many methods used by psychotherapists: bioenergy, gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodrama, analytical therapy and psychoanalysis. Until recently, the profession of psychotherapist was not regulated. Anyone could therefore open their practice and use this title. Since July 2010, a law has set rules: henceforth, to qualify for this title, it is necessary to justify at least a master's degree in psychology or psychoanalysis, or a degree in medicine, and to follow theoretical and practical training in clinical psychopathology. Psychotherapies are reimbursed by social security or French health insurance on the condition that they are practiced by psychiatrists or if they are carried out in a medico-psychological center.

Differences with the English counterpart : In the UK, the practice is less regulated than in France and is considered by some to be pseudo-science. Psychotherapy in the UK can be conducted by psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical practitioners, social workers, mental health counselors, pastoral counselors, and nurses with specialization in mental health. In the U.S. in some states, psychotherapists must be licensed to use this title. Otherwise, the "American Board of Professional Psychology" examines and certifies psychologists who demonstrate competence in specialty areas for the practice of psychotherapy.

Sage-femme : The “sage-femme” is a health professional accompanying pregnant women before, during and after childbirth. This professional performs his duties in close collaboration with the gynecologist-obstetrician and the attending physician. She is able to provide supervision, care and advice to pregnant women, in labor and postpartum, and to provide care for newborns. Her care includes preventive measures and screening for abnormal conditions in mother and child. She plays an important role in health education, not only for the patients, but for the family. The midwife also has a role in gynecology (monitoring of patients who do not relate to pathologies, with a duty to refer the patient to the appropriate professional in the event of pathology).

Differences with the English counterpart : “Sage-femmes” in France have 5 years of study compared to 3 years in the UK. In the USA, midwives have a role in health education and general gynecological monitoring as in France, but this is not the case in the UK where mid-wives only look after pregnant women.

3. Small explanation in addition: the difference between kinesithérapie, ergothérapie & psychomotricité

These three professions provide bodily and gestural care that allows their patient to achieve a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. But what sets them apart is their clinical observation and their means of action. Here is a schematic explanation synthesized from the B-paramédical website.

The “kinesitherapeute” will apprehend his patient's body in the motility of bodily functions and will act by massage and rehabilitation of / by movement (passive, active mobilization).

The “ergothérapeute” will understand his patient's body in the way in which he allows the patient to be independent and autonomous on a personal, social or even professional level (notion of reintegration, rehabilitation) and will act by setting up technical aids and training in daily activities.

The “psychomotricien” will understand his patient's body in its psychomotor organization and will act through all the mobilizations and bodily mediations that will allow his patient to inhabit his body.

Even though the fields of action and acts performed may be similar, the clinical observation and the final objective of the sessions will not be the same.

It makes it difficult for the attending physician to be the guarantor of the care acts of these professionals, because he will have a decisive role in coordinating the best therapeutic strategies to be considered for the patient. These three professions being under medical prescription, the doctor must therefore prescribe the most suitable therapy from the corresponding professional. In theory, these practices are quite distinct, but in practice many doctors do not really differentiate well each speciality. It is therefore important to be educated and consider all therapy options whn talking to your doctor.