WISC / Standardized speech-language tests
for school admission
SPRINT has concerns about schools requiring a WISC test or other standardized speech and language batteries for admission applications due to legal and pedagogical issues. We offer documents to support parents that wish to voice these concerns to schools requiring them for this purpose.
Parents may contact individual SPRINT members during regular business hours.
13 documents to support voicing concerns to schools :
Rationalisation des certificats médicaux.
A flyer issued by the French government, co-written by the “Conseil national de l’Ordre des médecins”, detailing the reasons a doctor can and cannot prescribe medical certificates for school-age children, among others. “Admission into a school does not require medical certificates”.CIRCULAIRE N°DSS/MCGR/DGS/2011/331 du 27 septembre 2011 relative à la rationalisation des certificats médicaux.
A statement issued by the government that was sent to the department ARS’s reminding them in which cases a doctor’s medical certificate is needed and in which cases it is not. “Except in cases where the medical certificate is notified by texts of law, the medical certificate is not necessary and the doctor is justified in refusing to issue it.”Arrêté du 20 octobre 2008 portant création d'un traitement automatisé de données à caractère personnel relatif au pilotage et à la gestion des élèves de l'enseignement du premier degré.
A statement issued by LégiFrance detailing what information a primary school is allowed to collect concerning a child and their family. No standardized tests are mentioned in the list.Arrêté du 22 septembre 1995 portant création d'un traitement automatisé d'informations nominatives relatif au pilotage et à la gestion des élèves du second degré portant sur les trois niveaux.
A statement issued by LégiFrance detailing what information a secondary school is allowed to collect concerning a child and their family. No standardized tests are mentioned in the list.Arrêté du 30 juillet 2018 portant création par le ministère de l'enseignement supérieur d'un traitement automatisé de données à caractère personnel dénommé « Système d'information sur le suivi des étudiants » (SISE)
A statement issued by LégiFrance concerning the collection of information for statistics and reliability of the national student numbers. Learning disabilities and other health problems are not mentioned.Article L1110-4 Version en vigueur au 25 novembre 2020
The law concerning medical secrecy. “Any person taken care of by a health professional, an establishment or service, a professional or organization contributing to prevention or care […] is entitled to respect for his private life and the confidentiality of information. The person is duly informed of his right to object to the exchange and sharing of information concerning them. They can exercise this right at any time. Obtaining or attempting to obtain the communication of this information in violation of this article is punished by one-year imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.”Délibération n° 2015-433 du 10 décembre 2015 portant adoption d'une norme simplifiée relative aux traitements automatisés de données à caractère personnel.
A statement issued by LégiFrance concerning the automating of personal information in schools. “Personal data may only be collected whether they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in the light of the purpose precisely pursued by the person responsible. The latter must therefore be able to justify the necessary nature of the personal data actually collected. At the time of collection, the controller must clearly distinguish the data that must be filled in from the optional data.”
Article 2. - 2. c) concerns special needs. Can be collected information upon :
”- excluding any information relating to the nature of the disability or pathologies:
- the presence of a disability requiring special care or an adaptation of the reception conditions and the measures, treatment or adaptation adopted;
- the establishment of an individualized reception plan (PAI), within the meaning of circular n° 2003-135 of September 8, 2003, referred to above;
- the implementation of a personalized schooling plan (PPS), within the meaning of article D. 351-5 of the education code.”Droit social européen - Accès aux études supérieures et conditions d'inscription indirectement discriminatoires
A document that appeared in “La Semaine Juridique Social” n° 26, 29 June 2010. “Unless it is objectively justified and proportionate to the objective pursued, a national provision must be
considered as indirectly discriminatory, when it is likely, by its very nature, to affect more
nationals of other Member States than nationals and that it is therefore likely to disadvantage more
especially the first ones.”Secret médical - Vérifié le 07 août 2020
A short document about who must respect and work under medical secrecy, when it can be lifted, and when you can file a complaint if you feel your medical secrecy was unjustly broken. “Medical secrecy is a general and absolute obligation. Thus, a doctor cannot communicate medical data to another person even if this person must also respect professional secrecy. For example, tax administration.”Informations personnelles à communiquer aux établissements scolaires à la rentrée scolaire.
A document by DemarchesAdministratives.fr listing what personal information a secondary education school may ask for upon the admission of a student.
“For children with disabilities, needing a PAI (Individualized Welcome Plan), a PPS (Personalized Schooling Project) or requiring specific support, you will never have to communicate details concerning health or the child's disability. Only the need for special adaptation or care can be requested, for example in the form of a checkbox, without asking for details.”LA DISCRIMINATION DANS L’ACCÈS À L’ÉDUCATION
This is a guide written by the ADATE about foreign children and/or disabled children being admitted into french schools. “Any refusal of registration concerning a child subject to compulsory education, who is therefore between 6 and 16 years old, is illegal. As such, a procedure for assault can be initiated. This procedure consists of seizing the Tribunal de grande instance by summary procedure.”Guide “Informatique et Libertés” pour l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche.
A guide issued by the CNIL and the AMUE, concerning the internet and freedoms, protecting personal information and methodology to check on proper usage of information in secondary education and higher.LE BULLETIN OFFICIEL DE L'ÉDUCATION NATIONALE - Certificats médicaux
This document issued by the Minister of Education reminds the academies of what to do in the different circumstances in which these practices of issuing medical certificates have been maintained until now. For example, the only medical certificate needed concerning sport: “Decree No. 88-977 of October 11, 1988 relating to the medical control of unsuitability for the practice of physical education and sports in educational establishments specifies that students who claim physical unfitness must justify by a medical certificate the character total or partial incapacity.”